About the Channel im.allmendenetz.de/@ehma
This pages are a demo site by
allmendenetz.de for demonstrating how
Faircamp - a static site generator for audio producers - and
Hubzilla - a #
CMS for the Fediverse - can work together as one system to present music in a network like the
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By the decentralized #
Fediverse network millions of attendees have the option to get in contact with you, follow and commend your #
music releases and read all your news without depending on a single network provider.
With #
Faircamp it is quid easy to generate beautiful looking webpages on your pc for presenting your audio files in the internet.
With #
Hubzilla audio producer get the option to host this webpages easy on the web and in the Fediverse so that also a combination with your personal network news channel can be easy realized. Also they get the option to distributed files with the fine graded permissions system of Hubzilla. So not every thing has to be public and e.g. special downloads can be granted just to selected contacts and also connect to the Hubzilla #
shop app.
In an ideal case an audio producer would install such a system under an own domain but also the option to host several artists under one hub URL may be interesting for some.
So for this demo site we were looking for a special musician and so we found the lovey music pieces by
ehma which are all licensed under copyleft licenses.
Have a look, listen and enjoy.