Residency Program / Partizipatives Stipendienprogramm: Jordan Chanetsa
"I am intent on making this a historical moment for trans* persons from Harare, Zimbabwe as we are not afforded these types of opportunities very often and I do feel as if I carry the responsibility of ensuring that I represent and make the most of it."
"Jordan Chanetsa aus Simbabwe ist Performance-Künstlerin, Schriftstellerin und Aktivistin für LGBTQIA+ Rechte. Als Moderatorin thematisiert sie regelmäßig in Radiosendungen und Podcasts die schwierigen Realitäten der LGBTQIA+- Gemeinschaft in ihrem Heimatland. Von Juni bis Oktober 2022 wird Jordan Chanetsa im Rahmen des Partizipativen Stipendienprogramms gemeinsam mit der @akademiederkuenstederwelt , @demask_clgn und In-Haus e.V. ein kollaboratives Programm entwickeln, das sich insbesondere an die lokale LGBTQIA+ Community richtet.
Jordan Chanetsa from Zimbabwe is a performance artist, writer and activist for LGBTQIA+ rights. As a presenter, she regularly addresses the difficult realities of the LGBTQIA+ community in her home country through radio shows and podcasts. From June to October 2022, Jordan Chanetsa will work with ADKDW, DEMASK, and Integrationshaus e.V. to develop a collaborative program as part of the Participatory Residency Program, specifically aimed at the local LGBTQIA+ community."
Wir freuen uns sehr auf dich, @sthjrdn ! See you soon, Jordan! 👏🏿👏🏾👏🏽